Connecting Point

Connecting Point: May 24, 2020

Today, as we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, we recognize the disciple’s confusion as Jesus leaves them for the last time. They are given a mission to spread the Good News about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. They return to that upper room unsure of what they should do next.

We are given the same task. “How can we be a part of Christ’s mission; especially during these times of the Covid-19 virus? We hear of the many people putting themselves in harms way to help save a life. They are living the mission of Jesus.

As for us, “acts of kindness” are needed now more than ever. Checking on someone who may be alone, asking others if we can help, making our focus to be one of people helping people.  Our contributions may seem insignificant, but they are not. We are spreading the Good News. If our initiatives make a difference in some little corner of the world, the mission of Jesus continues.