
Father Ron’s Reflections: October 27, 2024

This next week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I love Halloween. I love the whimsy of it. I also like the hospitality of Halloween. We turn on our porch light and invite strangers–especially strangers–to come and receive hospitality! It must be a lot of what heaven is like!

Then we celebrate All Saints Day on Friday. We honor many of the “unknown” saints that were a part of our lives. We celebrate that we are one with all the saints in heaven.

We celebrate All Souls’ Day next Saturday with a Mass at 8:00 AM. (The evening Mass on Saturday will be the Mass for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time.) Please join us for a Mass to honor and pray for all of our departed loved ones!

As November 2nd is a Saturday, our Service of Remembrance for all buried from our parish this past year will be at 7:00 PM on Monday, November 4. This is an opportunity for the entire parish to come together to pray for and support those grieving the recent loss of a loved one. As St. Paul reminds us, when one of us hurts, we all hurt!

I also encourage you to join us following 4:30 Mass next Saturday for a viewing of “St. Francis’ Letter”, a study on his letter Laudate Si on care for God’s creation. Pope Francis has named ‘Care for Creation” as a major Respect Life issue. Climate change has contributed greatly to world hunger and migration, and harms the most vulnerable in our society.. Pope Francis’ message is very powerful!
