Join the St. Isidore community and other local groups as we meet again to package food which benefits people all over the world as well as those in our local community in Macomb. The packing goal is set at 100,000 meals this year.
Both volunteers and financial donations are needed to reach our goal of 100,000 meals. We will need hundreds of volunteers on Saturday, November 2, 2024 to assist us in packing from 10 AM until 12 PM. Food packing is the bulk of volunteering. We will also need assistance setting up the social hall the night before on November 10, as well and cleaning up at the conclusion of the event. The full sign up can be accessed by clicking the Volunteer to pack meals button below.
We need to raise $35,000 (.35 cents a meal) to make our goal a reality. A simple donation of $35 will help provide 100 meals. Please consider offering monetary assistance by clicking the Financially Support Here button below.
There are two ways to help: