We are once again holding a coat drive and looking for new coat donations to help the poor in our community. Help make this Christmas Season very special and warm for those out in the cold. There are boxes in the Gathering Space where you can drop your coat donations through December 11
Sr. Valerie Knoche, IHM, is the Hispanic Ministry coordinator for the North Macomb Vicariate. Sr. Val’s office is at St. Clement of Rome, in Romeo, MI. Last year she asked that we hold a new coat drive to help the Hispanic people in our area who stay here during the winter, rather than going south. Our St. Isidore Parish family responded wonderfully. Many of the Hispanic population work seasonally here, preparing and planting crops, caring for them and then harvesting them in the Fall. When winter comes, things are slow and they also feel the cold, among other problems.
Sr. Val is again asking that we hold a new coat drive for Hispanic adults and children. She is specifically asks for new coats, as opinions vary of what “gently used” means, so please leave the tags on (you may remove the price if you wish).
We are fully aware of the economic climate at this time in our area, as well as the entire country, and all, regardless of economic status, are feeling the pain. While the Hispanic population is scattered throughout Macomb County, we, our Family of Parishes, are called to go outside of ourselves and heed Jesus’ command in Luke, Chapter 3, vs 11 where “He said to them in reply, ‘whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none’ “.
Help make this Christmas Season very special and warm for our Hispanic brothers and sisters around us.
Decorated boxes will be in the gathering space near the main doors. You may drop your donation in one of those boxes. Boxes will be available through the Third Sunday of Advent, December 11.