A very BIG THANK YOU to our St. Isidore families and parishioners who gave their hearts and their hands to the Angels Wear Gowns project!  5557 gowns were produced in 45 days by our At-Home & In-Church teams, and $1134.00 was donated which was used to purchase supplies to make 680 gowns!

St. Isidore has truly stepped up to bridge the gap for our Frontline workers when PPE gowns weren’t able to be purchased through normal retail operations.

Since April 1, 2020, using an extensive volunteer network, Angels Wear Gowns have been able to produce over 41,000 gowns that were directly put into service to protect those that protect us.  People from all over our region have been constructing the gowns in their homes, churches, and civic organization buildings.  Check out AWG on their Facebook page to see photos & updates. You might see some familiar St. Isidore faces!


God Bless all our volunteers and donors, you are Angels that walk among us!