
Back to School Drive

  • August 11
  • June 9 through August 11

The school year has ended, but it will soon be time again that all parents love… back to school time!! This year the North Macomb Vicariate Hispanic Ministry is asking for our for help due to an increase in need. They are responding to the great need of obtaining school supplies for the children of families who are adjusting to their new home.

We are having a back to school drive to help them with gathering these supplies. The drive will start June 8th and will end August 11th. There will be boxes that are labelled in the gathering space of the church during this time where you can deposit anything from the list. The children need pencils, pens, crayons, markers, highlighters, notebooks, folders, glue sticks, scissors (left handed too!) pencil cases, rulers, book bags, and lunch boxes.

Thank you ahead of time helping our North Macomb Vicariate!!

Deacon Jeff Loeb
Evangelical Charity Coordinator