This mission trip focuses on home repairs for elderly, disabled, or financially challenged families. Hundreds of teenagers from youth groups across the country will repair and transform homes while deepening their faith and building new relationships with their peers and youth leaders. This mission will have up to 400 teenage participants that focus specifically on residential home repair. The types of home repair projects range from painting, to building decks and wheelchair ramps, and other general home repairs, but the service projects often are secondary to the spiritual growth that happens when teenagers step out of their own worlds and serve those in need. Beyond the physical transformation that happens in communities, teenagers bring the hope and light of Jesus to the residents they serve.
During a home repair mission trip, participants generally stay at a local school that is full of fun and energy throughout the week as they engage in indoor and outdoor games, share meals together, and participate in worship and teaching in morning and evening programs.
This year we’ll be going to Midland Michigan July 21-27.
If there’s a teenager, college student, or adult in your family that would like to learn these skills, benefit from personal and spiritual growth, lead others, build out a resume, or just have fun helping others and expressing their faith, please join me and those that have already committed to go.
We have spots available and for those interested, there are scholarships and fundraising opportunities beginning in late January.
Paul Candela
Mobile: 810-523-6818