Christmas Event 2021News

Christmas Call Center

  • December 18

The final event in our Christmas Campaign, Make This Year Different is a service opportunity we’re calling, the Christmas Call Center.

Much of our church family is still worshipping at home or perhaps not at all. Advent and Christmas is a great opportunity to invite them back to worshipping in person at St. Isidore on Christmas and beyond. We’re looking for volunteers to call other parishioners, check in on them, pray with them, and invite them to Mass. 

There is nothing stronger than a personal invitation. We’ll provide you with a script and talking points to use to inspire confidence on the calls. This activity can be done at home on your own tie, but we are also going to host an in-person event on Saturday, December 18 at 9:00 AM. We’ll convert our social hall into a call center and encourage each other.

If you’re not able to help out on that morning but would still like to make a difference. Consider helping at home by making calls on your own time.