Becoming a catechist can be one of the most REWARDING experiences for a volunteer! We as catechists know that the invitation to become a catechist, while flattering, can also be challenging. However, you are more qualified & capable of forming others in the faith than you know. Fear not my fellow Catechists, it is just a matter of learning the techniques and working with the kids!

Once we have established ourselves as catechists, we develop a confidence that we can now use to encourage others to join us in this ministry. At St. Isidore we are blessed with formation and support for all our Catechists.

Volunteers are needed as catechists (teachers), hall monitors, and baby sitters. You don’t have to have a child in our program to volunteer. We encourage all adults to prayerfully consider whether this ministry is right for you! All volunteers must be cleared through our Safe Environment program. We will provide training and support along the way.

If you are considering the call to serve as a catechist, we hope you call us and talk to us about the possibilities. If someone you know is considering the call to serve as a catechist, pass our name and email or phone number to them.  Come join the team, please contact the Faith Formation office at 586/286-1700 and ask for Ann De Rey or email