How can I share the joy of receiving Christ’s peace?
In this reading for the Second Sunday of Easter, Jesus appears to the frightened disciples and announces, “Peace Be with You.”  He will say this to them at least twice and this is not by mistake.  Jesus deliberately wants to stress to his followers that through his Resurrection he has given them his peace.
The peace that Jesus gave to his disciples, on that day long ago, was freedom from all the turmoil, drama, and worry that frightened them. In that moment he wanted them to know God’s presence empowering them to take his message forward.  There was to be no more sadness and no more fear. We were to move on and bring the Kingdom of God to others.
Jesus calls us to no longer doubt the gifts of the Resurrection. He wants us to believe in his peace that will save the world. We are called to share the joy of receiving Christ’s peace as we share the sacred gifts of the gospel, sacraments and community.
During these times of COVID-19, people have asked how can there be peace when the church is closed? Jesus proved through his Resurrection that God is faithful and that HIS PEACE comes from those who love HIM. Since we are the Body of Christ then we are the Church through him.
Right now, God shows us his love by keeping us safe at home and sharing his love and peace thru social media, phone calls, and by supporting our community with signs and acts of kindness. However, when it is time, we will come back to our church and still continue to bring the Kingdom of God to others. The gifts of the Mass, the Gospel and Eucharist have been passed down from generation to generation. They have been protected and cherished by our ancestors. During this time of uncertainty we are asked to continue to do our part, like our ancestors, and bring God’s peace to others.
-Ann De Rey