Connecting Point

Connecting Point: April 23, 2023

How can I be more aware so that I can recognize Christ outside of Mass?

Despite the teachings of Jesus, and the creed we profess, we mostly live our lives worrying about ourselves. What do I want? What’s in it for me? I don’t want to. You have to accept me. Where is our kindness towards other people, our compassion, our concern?

Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist on the night he was handed over. He suffered and died for our sins so we may have salvation if we want it. We are aware of Christ’s presence in the Mass, just as the two disciples were made known of Jesus in the breaking of the bread. However, Christ is present everywhere. Do we acknowledge this fact throughout the week, or just at Mass? Do we allow Jesus to transform us when we receive him? Or, are we immediately screaming at people leaving the parking lot after Mass (or even after communion, because we didn’t stay for the entire Mass)?

We are told by Jesus to love our neighbor. How are we doing that? Do we acknowledge others when we are out and about during our lives, or do we only communicate with strangers when we are angry or upset by their actions? Do we troll the internet giving our contrary opinions, because our opinions matter and need to be voiced and heard? What about kindness, support, love, and forgiveness? Let’s make ourselves aware.

Be aware of Christ’s love for you and share his love with others. Be aware of Christ’s mercy and forgiveness and share those with others. Be aware of the Good News that Christ has won every battle for you already and share that Good News with others. Be aware of the community you choose to worship with. What extra services, extracurriculars, support groups and community events do they offer? Share those with friends, family, co-workers, and strangers. Be aware of the gifts you have been given and share them with the world. Be aware of the things you need to work on to be the best version of yourself, so you can help make this corner of the world a better place.

God created you for this time and place. He brought you to this community for a reason. Be aware of your infinite uniqueness, of God’s unfailing love for you, and strive to love yourself as much as God does.

It’s a hard task, but an important challenge. Love yourself so you can better love others. Then, maybe, just maybe, we will be able to recognize Jesus not only in the breaking of the bread, but in the infinite ways he presents himself to us in the world every day.

— Rebecca Poupard
Worship Director, Disciples Unleashed Family of Parishes