Connecting Point

Connecting Point: August 1, 2021

One of the best ways to spread the Good News and be joyful missionary disciples is to share “our own story.” We can learn from one another’s faith journeys and in turn grow in our own relationship with Christ. When I share my story, I reflect on how much my life changed once I stopped focusing on material things and started focusing on Jesus.

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches: “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.” Jesus challenges all of us to look beyond the physical goods and instead to focus on the spiritual goods. Jesus teaches us to join him on his spiritual journey. What happens when we join Jesus on his spiritual journey?

Joining Jesus is the answer to this week’s Connecting Point. What must we do to accomplish the works of God? First, we need to come to Jesus just as the people did after they saw what he had done. Second, we need to listen to Jesus. He gives us the perfect model on how to live as a witness to the Lord. Finally, we need to believe! We need to believe in whom Jesus is, believe what Jesus said and believe he will come again in glory.

The very last words Jesus spoke to his disciples before he ascended into heaven were: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). It’s now our privilege and call to spread the Good Word and accomplish the works of God by following Jesus Christ.