How can I make room for unexpected God moments?
The Scripture from Luke this week tells of the moment when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth to let her know she was pregnant and would be the Mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Can you even fathom how Mary felt in that unexpected God moment? Our lives are jam-packed with God moments as well; those moments when our Lord lets us know he is there with us and that another wondrous chapter in our human life is about to occur.
I have had a couple of huge unexpected God moments over the last 6 years. Six years ago, I was journeying through life without faith and without a personal relationship with Christ. Suddenly and unexpectedly, I had a calling to Christ and the Church. I prayed to Jesus for the first time in a long time and made room for him to enter into my life. He answered my prayers and guided me to the Church. At the Easter Vigil in 2013, I received the Sacraments of Initiation and started my faith journey as a Catholic. The more room I made for Jesus, the more love entered my heart. My dear friend at the time, Bernadette, was with me throughout my RCIA journey. It was then that Jesus brought us together and we have now been married for four years.
This Christmas season take extra time to pray and have a conversation with our Lord and Savior. He’s always there waiting for us to make room in our lives for him, and the more room you make, the more unexpected gifts and moments he will share. Cherish those unexpected God moments and know that the Lord is always there to guide us and prepare us for the next chapter in our lives.