Connecting Point

Connecting Point: December 3, 2017

The beginning of a new year is often a time when we take a close look at ourselves, assess our relationships, our physical well-being, and other important areas of our lives, and make concrete plans to live fuller, healthier lives.Ā  We begin a new Liturgical Year on this First Sunday of Advent.Ā  During this season, as we embark on a new Church Year, we will hear theĀ  prophets Isaiah and John the Baptist call us to repentance and renewal.

This is a time to take a close look at our spiritual life, and make concrete plans for spiritual renewal.Ā  Do I need to spend more time in prayer, especially meditation and silence?

Do I need to experience the grace of the sacraments more frequently?

Am I nurturing my spiritual life through good spiritual reading?

Do I reach out to those in need on a daily basis?

Do I keep informed on current events, and work for a more just society?

Do I recognize barriers I have placed between myself and those different from myself which keep me from truly welcoming and serving them in love?

Am I doing all that I can to care for the environment?

Am I living up to my baptismal commitment, and the waters of new life which flow from it?

Today’s Gospel urges us to “stay awake!” Ā  In some ways we will be staying awake too much over the next few weeks: many of us will be sleep-deprived as we take part in the Christmas rush! Let’s take the time to awaken to our spiritual lives, and areas which need renewal.

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