We are in that time again where we set back our clocks an hour, turn on the heat in our houses, make sure our cars are holding up (along with the air in the tires), get our snow blowers and shovels ready, and put away our summer clothes to bring out our sweaters, hats, and gloves. These are all steps we must take to prepare for another winter season in Michigan! We do these things because we know what is coming, but what would happen if we didn’t do these things? We would be caught off-guard and left out in the cold–literally!
Our scripture readings on this first week of Advent warn us to stay alert and turn back to our Lord so we are prepared. We do not know when Jesus will return, but we know he will come to us when we least expect it. A few weeks ago, we heard about the parable of the ten virgins, half of whom neglected to fill their lamps with oil in preparation. This parable represents our lives regarding our obedience to the Lord’s teachings. When we become disobedient and turn away from him, we lose vigilance and become unprepared to receive Jesus when he comes again. This is the same warning he gives in the Gospel this week, where the man traveling abroad leaves his servants in charge of his home and orders a watch at the gate. We are the servants of his Church, which he left in our care. We are entrusted with continuing his work and have been given the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do so.
Advent lets us refocus where we are in our readiness and turn back to the Lord so we can be prepared for the season of his return. How can we do this? Eucharistic Adoration is a beautiful time to sit before the Lord and be with him. We move away from the many distractions in our lives and focus on what he tells us in our hearts. We feel the movements of the Spirit within us. We can use our gifts to volunteer at our parishes and serve the community. This service could be with the Knights of Columbus, Altar Society, Ushers, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, or other ministries that support our community. If we have not been to confession in a while, we can turn back to pray for forgiveness. If we haven’t attended Mass very often, we can resolve to attend weekend Mass. The critical thing to remember is the Lord wants us to return to him with open arms. No matter where we are in our faith lives, Jesus always meets us where we are now. So, we have an opportunity in the weeks of Advent to ask ourselves: What will it take for me to return to Jesus so I am prepared?
– Deacon Jeff