I have had the honor of meeting many faith-filled people over the years, it is one of the many blessings of being a long tenured Church employee. Each week hundreds of people (pre-COVID, it used to be thousands) enter our campus with the intent of serving Christ by serving others. These people choose to live sacrificially by using their time, talent and treasure to enhance the lives of others. These church goers and volunteers could easily justify that they do more than most and decide they are satisfactorily living out their faith, but that is not the attitude I most often witness. The attitude I most often see is actually a humble heart of an imperfect child of God. This attitude is so encouraging.
This weekend’s Gospel shares a story of a leper who seeks Jesus healing. Jesus was so moved by this man, he touched him and he was immediately healed. I believe we have to approach the Lord with this same humility. Knowing we are sick, allows for healing. Knowing we are flawed, allows for growth. Knowing we are imperfect, allows us to strive for perfection.
Let us use today, to realize that we have perfect imperfections that allow us the ability to draw closer to God. Let’s pray for the strength to recognize areas that we can perfect through our commitment to Christ, and boldly take the necessary action to seek Him.
Have a great week!