How do I recognize God’s blessings in times of need?
This week’s readings are full of Jesus’ teachings about the many gifts and blessings He has given to each of us.
We have food, shelter and the clothes on our back. We have our health, our relationships, the blessing of a new day and we have our own individual gifts. It is these gifts that we can use to help our families, our communities, and our Church.
So, how do I Recognize God’s blessings when I’m in need? The answer is prayer. Christ gave us the Our Father and in that perfect prayer, we can turn to the Lord. Prayer leads to great reflection and that’s when we can really “count our blessings.” In prayer, we realize the Father is always there for us, in good times and in bad.
His Words and comfort clearly teach that we will experience His miraculous provision when we obey Him and understand His seasons of blessing.
We can all find true freedom and understand those very gifts that lead us home to the Father.
In times of need, take a deep breath, pray a little harder and remember the many blessings and gifts we all possess as a Church community.