The first thing that came to mind when I read this Connecting Point question was the famous Dunkin’ Donuts advertisement from the 1980s with the half-awake, bushy-mustached gentleman shuffling off to work, muttering, “Time to make the donuts.” Even though I’m retired now, I still remember mornings like that—dragging myself to work, knowing the day would bring deadlines, unexpected emergencies, unhappy clients, and the added weight of personal matters and family schedules. The list of daily responsibilities often feels endless.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation, when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. In the temple, Simeon and Anna recognized this small baby as the long-awaited salvation of the Jewish people. How did they see Jesus for who He was? Scripture tells us that they were righteous, devout, and prayerful. But they were also attentive to God’s word, as in Malachi 3:1: “Thus says the Lord God: Lo, I am sending my messenger…”
As Christians, we are also called to recognize Christ in the daily grind of our lives. Being righteous, devout, and prayerful is essential, but our attitudes matter, as well. If we approach life like the donut maker, as if everything is “ho-hum” and “woe is me,” we might struggle to see Christ in anything—or anyone. Instead, we should look for Christ in the small things. For me, that might be the sound of a child’s laughter, a parent’s simple act of affection toward their child, or even a friendly “good morning” from a stranger. These small moments are often where Christ reveals Himself.
When I find myself stuck in a pessimistic mood, I also turn to the refrain of a popular hymn based on Psalm 91: “Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble. Be with me, Lord, I pray.” These words help me refocus my thoughts and shift from cynicism to gratitude for God’s countless gifts.
As we endure these cold, dreary Michigan days, let me leave you with this thought: The next time the sun shines brightly, take a moment to sit in its warmth as if it were a hug from God. It’s the perfect time to have a chat with Him!