In this Sunday’s second reading, St. Paul encourages us to live in the Spirit as members of the Body of Christ using the gifts that the Spirit gives each of us. Then in the gospel, we see Jesus putting his gifts to work at the Wedding at Cana. However, Jesus didn’t put his gifts to use out of his own initiative; his mother had to encourage him to put his gifts into action.
When I was twelve, my mom encouraged me to audition for a musical. I had no interest in doing this on my own, but with her encouragement, I reluctantly auditioned. It is because of this encouragement that I am now using my musical gifts as a career to serve our community and beyond.
Sometimes I think we try to avoid thinking about what our gifts are and how we could be using them. Why? Because if we realize what these gifts are and that we’re not using them, we might feel guilty (and nobody likes to feel guilty). So… we just avoid thinking about them.
The fact is that we all have gifts that can and should be put into action. A great way to put those gifts into action is right here at St. Isidore in liturgical ministries.
I’m going to be brutally honest and say that our liturgical ministries at St. Isidore are extremely depleted right now. We are desperate for help and practically begging active volunteers each week to cover Masses in the ministries of lector, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, altar server, and AV ministry (not to mention ushers, greeters, funeral ministers, and singers in our choir). We just don’t have enough volunteers despite more than 1300 people currently worshiping in-person each weekend.
It’s easy to say, “I wouldn’t be good at that.” But guess what…
You don’t have to be the best speaker to be a lector.
You don’t have to be the most outgoing person to be an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist.
You don’t have to be tech-savvy to run the slides at Mass.
You just need to open your heart and be willing to learn and grow.
Getting involved in any ministry will strengthen your relationship with the Lord and with our church family. You probably don’t realize how much we need you… but we really do. So what are you waiting for?! Go use your gifts!