And so, they came to share the good news with the world… first the twelve Apostles with skills that included gathering and fishing, business ownership, money and finance, and political activists. Then more disciples joined them… doctors, youth activists, teachers and women who sacrificed social standing, family strain, and likely a loss of friendships to follow Him. They gladly came together and joined their skills to form a community that would succeed because they came together as one to serve the Lord.
The second reading talks about how we are many parts but one body in Christ. Regardless of who we are and what we can do we are called to actively (part)icipate. For years, a generation of men and women have carried the message on their shoulders and used their skills to bring people closer to Christ. This senior generation have been strong and faithful servants of God. Many have now moved onto the eternal kingdom.
This is the time for the next generation to rise and give their time and talents to carry the Word of God forward. Today we have among us even more parts to the one Body of Christ. They include clergy, builders, doctors, first responders, computer programmers, law enforcement, teachers, money and finance, youth activists and many more.
Often, we tell ourselves we are too busy with the secular world to help with the Body of Christ. However, if we each take one role and help in one way then the gifts of the many combined can make a huge change in the world and help carry the Word of God forward. If we each use our gifts for the common good and in service to others, we can make a difference. Regardless of sex, age, or ability we all have something to give that can help build the Church.
During these weeks of reflection on ministries and testimonials will you reflect on what you can offer to the Church? Perhaps take a moment and call the parish office and leave your name, number and occupation to be put on a list to help share your gifts when needed within the church community. As disciples of Christ, we can all use our gifts and talents, individually or as a family, to share the life of Christ with others.