In this Sunday’s Gospel passage, Jesus encounters a man in the synagogue with an unclean spirit that causes him severe suffering. Jesus drives out the unclean spirit, restoring the man to health.
Each of us, in a sense, is possessed by “unclean spirits” or “demons” that cause us suffering. We may be contending with major “demons,” such as anger issues or addictions of various kinds, or there may be others, such as sinful behaviors or attitudes like racial prejudice, selfishness, greed, etc. Though we try as hard as we can, it is difficult to rid ourselves of these “demons.” We need to turn to the Lord for healing.
In many cases, God heals us through other people. Some demons require professional care or a twelve-step program. Others may require encountering Christ’s healing presence in the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Anointing of the Sick. Others may be driven out by allowing a friend or loved one to accompany us in our struggle, experiencing God’s presence by opening our hearts to them.
A demon that “shackled” me was unresolved grief following the death of my brother, Gary, at age 25. Several years after his death, it negatively affected my behavior. Through the help of professional therapists, the Lord brought me healing. It took a while for me to recognize the issue and then have the courage to seek help.
So, what needs to be driven out of your life? Be honest, be humble, and turn to the Lord.