Connecting Point


This Sunday’s Gospel is the parable of the farmer who lavishly sows seed everywhere: not only on good soil which will bring forth an abundant harvest, but also on a well-worn path where birds can eat them; on rocky ground where it is unlikely that they will grow; and among thorns that will choke them. What good farmer will do that?

As I pray over this week’s Connecting Point, I realize that God is constantly sowing the seed of His love and Word in my heart. Indeed, God is doing so right now. And He is not only planting the seed in the “good soil” of my heart, where I am most receptive to God’s Word and love, He is also sowing it on those hard, rocky, thorn-filled places of my heart that I want to deny. I must be honest with myself. I realize that those are the places I need to be more attentive to in order to echo God’s love and Word in my life. All of our hearts have within them both good and bad. God is attentive to and planting His love even in the “bad” soil within me. How can I be more receptive of that seed?