Connecting Point

Connecting Point: May 17, 2020

“Always be ready to give an explanation
to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope,
but do it with gentleness and reverence,
keeping your conscience clear”
-1 Peter 3:15-16

This week’s Connecting Point is taken from the 2nd reading; 1st Peter, which states “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope
” Have you ever thought about this? If so, what is your explanation?

I have been working on my explanation for quite some time, and I am constantly refining it. I started working on my explanation when I was participating in a Men’s Bible Study about seven years ago. On a regular basis at our study, we had two questions that we reflected on. One was “Who did you help get to heaven this week?” The second was “What would you include in your ‘elevator pitch’ for your faith?” When assigned with writing this week’s Connecting Point, I couldn’t help but think of the challenge of delivering my 20-30 second explanation on the elevator.

I have been working to perfect an answer for many, many years. No matter what I prepare I don’t feel it is worthy of what I really feel or believe. But, if the Lord presented me with an opportunity to share my faith with someone, I would include each of the following statements of hope. My hope is centered on living in a world where my savior also lived. My hope is centered on understanding a world where the King of Kings served others and was not served by others. My hope is centered on an eternal presence with our Lord in heaven that I am sure is beyond my wildest imagination. And, for now, my hope is centered on living among other people who feel the same way I do and live their lives with the same ultimate destination in mind. What is your reason for hope?