Connecting Point

Connecting Point: May 30, 2021

One of the treasures of our Catholic faith is our belief that things of beauty are the very embodiment of God’s beauty. We stand in awe and fascination before beautiful pieces of art, music or the beauties of nature. Throughout its history, the Church has been the major patron of the arts. Artists, poets and nature lead us to encounter God’s imminent presence. It is our belief that when we die, we become one with God’s beauty.

By filling our homes and churches with things of beauty, we experience the nearness of God’s presence. We also do so by taking time to enjoy a beautiful flower or other beauties of nature. I spent many summers camping on the shores of Lake Michigan. I was always fascinated by the beauty of God revealed in the awesome sunsets over the lake each evening and by gazing into the sky on a clear night. Fascinated by that beauty, I felt surrounded by God.

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity. It is our belief that God not only created the world in all of its beauty, but that God came to live among us and continues to be present through the Holy Spirit. God is not far off. We are surrounded by the very beauty of God.