Know God, Know Love. No God, No Love.
This common phrase in today’s society is based on this week’s second reading from John who tells us “God Is Love.” It is that simple.
We are challenged to share God’s love unconditionally with others. We do this when we serve one another. As a life-long member of the Catholic Church, I have been on a continual journey experiencing joy by serving others. It is by serving others that I have made friends and met wonderful people. It fills me with great happiness and gratitude for God’s presence and love in my life.
We are fortunate to have many ways to share this love at St. Isidore. Serving others is often a time of fun and excitement as volunteers come together to reach out to those in need. At St. Isidore, we are encouraged to assist others by helping or joining any of the following ministries:
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Baby Pantry
- Altar Society
- Faith Formation Ministry
- Knights of Columbus
- Youth Ministry
The first step in knowing the joy of serving others is to reach out your hand to those in need. It is giving of our time, talent and resources to support others. God showed no partiality when he shared his love and we are asked to do the same. All of us have the opportunity to help the young, the old, the weak and the poor. Will you reach out your hand to experience the joy of serving others?