When planning a vacation, I can’t help but get excited once it’s officially on the books. I find myself counting down the days in anticipation. From the time I pack to the minute I take off, I am constantly checking my destination’s weather to ensure I have all the appropriate gear for the conditions ahead of me. Preparing for a vacation involves practical readiness.
We know that we should be prepared, and we hear this phrase all the time, but what does it mean to “be prepared?” In reality, just like packing for a vacation, the answer is probably different for each of us. However, we should all plan ahead spiritually. Focusing on leading a righteous and virtuous life, keeping faith, and following the teachings of Jesus can create this spiritual and moral readiness.
The Gospel this weekend ultimately challenges us to be ready to meet the Lord when he comes again. In the Gospel, Jesus shares a parable about ten virgins who take their lamps and go out to meet the bridegroom. Half of them are prepared with oil for their lamps, and half are not. When the bridegroom arrives, only the prepared virgins are welcomed into the feast. We must be prepared for him, as well.
To me, being spiritually prepared is consistently following God’s greatest commands: to love him and others. This means putting others first and being kind, thankful, and humble. God doesn’t expect us to be perfect in this, but that’s okay. As St. Paul reminds us, amid our imperfections and weaknesses, the Lord is present to strengthen and forgive us. He sustains us, leads us through dark valleys, and welcomes us into his wedding banquet with open arms to all. If we live our lives prepared and conscious of these commands, we’ll be ready whenever he comes.
Matt Kush,
FOP Director of Engagement