What fun Halloween can be! With Halloween just around the corner, we will watch people run around trying to outdo each other in ghoulish costumes. Some people will go to an extreme to find a costume that gives the perfect scare. They will take this one day of the year to try and be different.
In today’s gospel, Zaccheus takes a day to try something different too but quite the opposite of Halloween. In his situation he is striving to find something to improve his life. He is looking to find “enlightenment.”
What is so great about Zaccheus is that he will go above and beyond to have this experience. As a shorter man, he is not satisfied with pushing his way through the crowd to see Jesus, instead he will be innovative and climb a tree. Zaccheus does not let his shortfall stop him from connecting with Jesus.
Through determination and persistence, Zaccheus raises above his limitations to encounter Jesus. Meanwhile, when Jesus sees Zaccheus’ determination he reaches out to him. Jesus always reaches out to meet us in the middle where we are all called to rise above our shortfalls to connect with him.
Remember all the determination and persistence you have when celebrating Halloween? We are called to use those same skills to overcome our shortfalls in our relationship with Jesus.
“For the Son of Man comes to seek and to save what is lost.” Luke 19:10