Connecting Point

Connecting Point: September 11, 2022

If you’re reading this, you probably regularly go to church, receive the Eucharist, pray at least once a day (meals, bedtime, etc.), and have a sense of spirituality and connectedness to God. These are all important parts of my spiritual life as well. However, even though we practice our faith and say our prayers, sometimes we “forget” about God’s goodness and get pulled off the path by media, technology, vices, and addictions.

I’m far from perfect. I have my vices and distractions that pull me off the path. The further I get off the path, the more I feel these vices pulling me down. It can affect my mood, my productivity, and how I respond to others. Sometimes we get lost and don’t even know we’re lost. So what should we do when we get pulled away from the path?

The readings this weekend remind us that God shows mercy on us when we go to him with our sin and weaknesses. In the first reading, the people of Israel forgot God’s goodness and turned to idols. Moses pleaded with God for mercy, and the Lord God showed kindness to them.

In the gospel, we hear the parables of the Prodigal Son and Lost Sheep. I think you know how those parables end; mercy is shown. The son is welcomed back with open arms, and the sheep is brought back into the flock.

No matter the sin, no matter how far we get pulled away, God is always coming after us to bring us back. And when we do come back, He’s not just happy, God is deeply moved that we are coming back to him. I know that. You know that. Yet sometimes, we just need to hear (or read) that reminder. So here’s your reminder: God loves you… no matter how many times you sin… no matter how many times you get pulled away… he loves and forgives you. All you have to do is just turn to Him.