Connecting Point

Connecting Point: September 30, 2018

When am I so focused on what I’m doing that I miss the service of others?

In our own lives, we get wrapped up in our day-to-day routines, family, work, exercise, technology, etc. that we miss opportunities to perform good deeds.Ā  The Book of Mark recognizes that deeds, and I would argue that anything done intentionally that breaks away from our routine and can be seen as a mighty deed, are signs that we are with the Lord.Ā  Maybe today is a great day to visit a lonely neighbor, call an old friend, reconcile a broken relationship, or volunteer at a soup kitchen.Ā  Or, maybe today is a day to pray for peace on earth, in our families and in our schools.Ā  Iā€™m not sure exactly which deed would be considered mighty in your life, but today is a great day to recognize an opportunity to make humanity better, and simply do it.

I recently heard Fr. Mark share that a friend of his used to say that ā€œThe main part of ministry is the interruptionsā€; this simple statement is really powerful and an opportunity for a monumental shift in our way of thinking. Ā If we look at interruptions as wonderful opportunities to serve the Lord, we move to embrace them as opposed to avoid them.Ā  So the challenge for each of us today is to let an interruption in our lives be an opportunity for taking an action of faith.Ā  And in taking this action, we are proving that we are indeed with the Lord.