We’d like to share some updates on Masses and gatherings at St. Isidore.
Weekend Mass Updates:
Beginning the weekend of March 27/28, registration will no longer be required to attend Mass. With that said, face masks will continue to be required and we will continue to rope off every other pew to help create proper social distance. We ask that Mass attendees wait for the usher’s dismissal prior to exiting the sanctuary and people refrain from congregating inside the building. Orderly exiting from the facility is still the safest method. With the suspension of Mass registration, we are developing a COVID notification on our website where we will list if there has been any COVID exposure at any of our Masses.
Office Updates:
In order to maintain a sanitary environment in the building the outer doors will be locked. However, the staff is available during the hours listed in the bulletin, to receive phone calls. If you have necessary, in person business, please call the office upon arrival and a staff person will be happy to come and assist you at the Romeo Plank Entrance.
Daily Mass Updates:
Daily Mass will begin Holy Week, with morning Mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Daily Mass Monday through Friday will resume the following week.
Non-liturgical events will continue to be limited to the daytime and 10 attendees, with at least one needing to be a staff person (who will perform temperature checks and record meeting attendees).
Easter and Triduum:
Lastly, and most importantly, we are excited to see you this Easter. Our Connecting Point for Easter is “Rise above it all.” The Lord’s rising from the dead has saved us and allowed us to live as we do. Over the last 12+ months the people of St. Isidore have not only prayed for each other, but acted in the loving manner our Lord’s sacrifice calls us to. As things begin to inch closer and closer to “normal” we will continue to work together in prayer and support as we rise above it all.