As we enter the “election season” we are reminded that it is our civic and religious responsibility to closely study the candidates and their positions on various issues, take into consideration the teachings of our Catholic Church, and then vote our consciences.
Because we are a non-profit organization, we are not permitted to promote or oppose any particular candidate or political party. We can promote or oppose ballot proposals, but no particular candidate. The only “voting guides” we are allowed to distribute are those that are authored by the Archdiocese of Detroit, the Michigan Catholic Conference, or the United States Bishops Conference. No other guides are to be placed in our gathering space. These guides will help us to understand the issues and the Church’s teachings. We will be distributing them when they become available.
It is also important that any material placed in our Gathering Space receive the approval of our parish staff. This is the only way we can monitor what our parish is promoting. It also makes us aware of just what materials are being distributed. When a person calls me regarding something placed for distribution in our Gatherings Space I need to know what they are referring to. It is a bit embarrassing to have no idea what they are talking about!
Elections are serious, and we have an obligation to participate in the political process. We have the responsibility to be well informed on the many issues involved and by our faith. Let’s take the proper time in the next couple of months to do just that.