During this busy time, I am hoping that we can all take advantage of our Family of Parishes’ Advent Conspiracy program: Spend Less; Give More; Worship Fully; and Love All. The Advent Book is a good tool to use as we do this. Check out what fellow parishioners have done by viewing the special Advent boards in the Gathering Space.
Our Advent Mission this past week may help us to Worship Fully as we grow in our understanding and appreciation of the Eucharist as the Real Presence of Christ. We thank all who were able to assist with the Mission and who attended it.
We remind you that we celebrate the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays following the 8:30 AM Mass until 4:15PM, and on Fridays at 7:00 AM until shortly before the beginning of Mass at 8:00 AM.
A high point of my Advent these last few years has been the Lessons and Carols concert, which will be performed this Sunday evening, December 15, at 7:00PM. Choirs from local high schools and other choral groups will lead us in a very prayerful preparation for Christmas. I hope you will be able to attend. More information can be found elsewhere in the bulletin and on the website.
To avoid surprises, we remind you that 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass is the most heavily attended of our Christmas Masses. You will need to be here about a half hour early if you want a seat in the Worship Space. Additional seating will be available in the Gathering Space and social hall.