As I write this, Vacation Bible School 2024 at St. Isidore is coming to an end. It has been a very exciting and fun week. Today’s theme is “God is a friend forever!” Sometimes our friends may leave us for one reason or another (like moving away). But God is a forever friend! We thank Dawn Ormsby and the many people who have served our children in this wonderful effort throughout this week!
The St. Isidore Knights of Columbus, Council 7200 recently presented a check to our parish for ten thousand dollars. We are so thankful to them for this donation and the many, many other ways they support our parish. The Knights are always there in force to help out at almost every parish event. As the Knights did not designate how the funds are to be used, we will bring the matter to our Parish Finance Council for their recommendation.
We are approaching a new year for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. Giving birth to new members is the task of our entire parish community! Please take time to read articles regarding the OCIA written by our new Coordinator of the OCIA, Mr. Bill Hicks, which wil soon be appearing in the Harvest News. A great way you may participate is by becoming a parish sponsor for the one the catechumens or candidates. A parish sponsor, in addition to a family member or friend of the candidate, would accompany the candidate on their faith journey, and would help draw them into our parish community Stay tuned for more details!.
Preparations are being made for MCREST Week, August 18 to the 25th. This is a good example of the need for a church community. Sheltering the homeless is a corporal work of mercy. Yet we could not usually bring a homeless person into our home to live. But we can come together as a community to provide shelter, even if it is temporary. Please consider volunteering to help and other ways to support this important effort.