
Father Ron’s Reflections: June 16, 2024

As is true with all parishes, a major task of our parish is to use our resources to offer God the best worship possible. Great worship gives glory to God and transforms us. This is the reason behind the new altar furnishings which were installed in our worship space this past week and which Archbishop Vigneron consecrated at the 4:30 Mass this weekend.

I trust that you have been following the articles on our “From Foundation to the Future: the Renewal of our Sacred Space” campaign which have been printed in the Harvest News and posted on our website. These articles explain much of the symbolism behind the square altar and other furnishing. It will take us a while to get used to the new furnishings. as the effect on our worship space is rather drastic. Please be patient. The funds used to purchase the new furnishings were left to the parish by long-time active parishioner Nancy Campbell for this purpose. We are so grateful to Nancy and the Campbell family.

Happy Father’s Day to all of our fathers and those who have been like a father to our young people, We honor your love and the many sacrifices you make for your children. The major task of a father, along with their spouse, is to give their children a strong foundation, and then wings. You provide them with a firm basis of Gospel values and strong faith,, and then let “fly off” to pursue their own dreams and position in life. It is hard to let go!!

We thank all who have already put in many hours preparing for next week’s Strawberry Festival. I love it that our Festival is very family-oriented! As much as we need and appreciate the revenues the Festival raises to support our ministry at St. Isidore, I think that community-building is much more important. Having so many parishioners working together on the Festival, and providing an opportunity for our families to gather together for an enjoyable experience, builds community. It is also an opportunity for visitors to experience our St. Isidore hospitality. Please join us next weekend, and bring relatives and friends!

Fr. Ron