This weekend we welcome Msgr. John Kasza and Fr. Chris Talbot to St. Isidore.
As Fr. Matt is away this weekend, Msgr. Kasza, who is the Moderator of our Family of Parishes, is presiding at 7:30 Mass. Our Family of Parishes consists of St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Francis/St. Maximillan Kolbe,
and St. Isiidore parishes. Msgr. Kasza has been serving as pastor of St. Therese parish.
Fr. Chris Talobot is presiding at the 4:30 and 11:30 Masses. Fr. Chris has been serving as pastor of St. Francis/St. Maximillan Kolbe parish.
With the Family of Parishes, priests will no longer be assigned to an individual parish. Rather, we will be assigned to the Family of Parishes. Msgr.Kasaza, the Moderator of our Family will supervise the priests and staffs of the individual parishes. I am very excited about collaborating with both Msgr. Kasza and Fr. Talbot. Both are very gifted priests, combining excellent administrative skills with a strong pastoral presence. Let’s give them a warm welcome!
As we transition to the Family of Parishes, each parish will maintain its own identity. The transition will be rather slow. Many parishioners will not notice a significant change. There will be some adjustment in the staffing of the family parishes so that we can better collaborate in effectively fulfilling our mission. Each of the parishes will be strengthened as we share our various gifts and charisms.
Please mark October 10 on your calendar. At the 5:30 Mass that day Bishop Robert Fisher, our regional bishop, will install the priests of our family in their new positions. The hope is that many parishioners from each of the three family parishes will come together to celebrate our first major event as a family. A reception will follow the Mass in order for us to get to “meet and greet” our fellow family parishioners. Please plan on joining us!
Bishop Fisher will also preside at a 2:00 PM Confirmation Liturgy on October 10. Eighty-three of our young people, mostly ninth graders, will complete their initiation into our worship community. Please keep them and those responsible for their formation in your prayers.
Two quick reminders: 5:30 Mass next Sunday will be outside. Please bring a chair or a blanket to sit on. Also, the deadline for registering for the Life in the Spirit Seminar is fast approaching. Please see other notices in this bulletin regarding both events.