Pastoral Blog

Fr. Ron’s Reflection 5-12-19

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers of our parish, and to those who share motherly love with our young people, such as aunts, teachers, coaches, mentors, counselors, etc.

In many ways, a mother’s love is the most challenging of all forms of human love. We often talk about how in marriage two become one, as husband and wife center their lives on each other. With a mother’s love, it is in some ways the opposite that takes place: what was one is allowed to become two. The mother, who was literally one with her child physically and emotionally, allows the child to separate from her and become their own independent person. A pure mother loves the child unconditionally and wants nothing in return except the happiness of the one loved. She does not expect the child’s gratitude, just their happiness. It is extremely difficult to let the child go. Yet, that is a mother’s task: to raise the child to be independent. If you are like me and had or have that kind of a mother, thank God (and her) today. If you are a mother, pray for the grace to love your children with a true mother’s love.

This Wednesday, May 15, is our Patronal Feast Day, the feast of St.Isidore the Farmer. In honor of St. Isidore, and as a Mother’s Day gift, we are distributing flowers seeds at Masses this weekend. Seeds remind us that we must die to ourselves in order to bear fruit; the more of our life we give away, the larger our life becomes; the more love we share with others, the more love we have. St. Isidore the Farmer is a great example of this Gospel paradox. He was a very pious man who, though poor himself, was known to always show hospitality to the poor. He was a very happy man. We will celebrate with coffee and doughnuts after the 8:00 Mass on Wednesday to help honor St. Isidore. Please join us if you are able.

Easter Joy!
Fr. Ron