For many years the Catholic Church has dedicated the month of June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We celebrate the solemnity of the Sacred Heart on the Friday following the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, this past Friday, June 7. (The companion feast was celebrated yesterday, Saturday June 8: The Immaculate Heart of Mary) If you were to ask a young child who has just made their First Holy Communion, what happens when they receive the Eucharist, they may respond by saying “Jesus comes to live in my heart.” That is a beautiful response.
One of our spiritual goals in life is to make our hearts a living place for Christ’s peace. However, our belief in the Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of an even more important spiritual goal: for us to live in the heart of Jesus. To live in the heart of Jesus, is to be immersed in Christ’s great compassion, love, and mercy, and to have all that we do flow from it! It is to live in a heart that is willing to suffer for others, as Christ’s heart was pierced. When pierced, water and blood flowed from Jesus’ heart, the universal symbols of new birth. Those who live in the heart of Jesus are a wonderful source of new life for the world and for others.
I am sure you know compassionate, loving, forgiving people who have such an intimate relationship with Jesus that they themselves are a source of life for others! Throughout this month we focus on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and work hard to climb into that heart and make our home there!
Fr. Ron