
Fr. Ron’s Reflections: May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and all women who have shared a motherly love with our young people.

In his book “The Art Of Loving”, Eric Fromm claims that a mother’s love is the purest form of human love. While in marriage two become one, in a mother’s love, what was once one is allowed to become two. A mother raises a child to become independent of her. She gives her child a firm foundation, and then she gives her child wings. That’s difficult, and takes a lot of sacrifice. A mother loves her child unconditionally, and wants nothing in return except the happiness of the one loved! She doesn’t even expect gratitude! My mother, Monica, loved us five children in that way. My mother was not keen on my going to the seminary to become a priest. She thought I would need a wife to take care of me! But she was able to let go and not stop me from following my dream. That is surely a pure form of love. Today we thank God for our mothers, and show our mothers our appreciation!

Pope Francis continues to remind us of the importance of caring for creation, our common home. God continues to pour out God’s love on all human beings, as on the soil, the water, the air, every living creature, and every little bird that falls to the ground. Our parishes need to lead us in caring for the environment. It is with that in mind that Deacon Jeff and the Christian Evangelical Charity Committee, with the assistance of Diana Devine and our Family of Parishes Youth Ministry, are planning the planting of a “pollinating garden” next to out community vegetable garden on the west side of our property along 23 Mile Road. This garden of flowers and plants attract and nourish butterflies and bees, who play such an important role in balancing nature. Stay tuned for details!

Fr. Ron