
Fr. Ron’s Reflections: May 26, 2024

Having completed the Easter Season we have now entered into Ordinary Time in the church. The word “ordinary” comes from the word “ordinal”, which means a number. We call this Ordinary Time because the weeks are numbered. (Tomorrow we will begin the “Eighth Week of Ordinary Time”.) In other words, Ordinary Time is not the opposite of extraordinary time! Every Season of the Liturgical Year is extraordinary and has its own importance! Let us enter fully into this season.

When people ask me when we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Isidore I point out that the sacrament is celebrated at 3:15 on Saturday afternoon. But I then encouraged them to make an appointment with me to celebrate the Sacrament. In that way we can take time to more fully celebrate the sacrament. In that setting, do not have the pressure of a line of people waiting to come into the Reconciliation Room. Please do not hesitate to call and make an appointment so we can take more time to fully celebrate this beautiful sacrament.