Christian ServiceNews


  • August 20

MCREST (Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team) is a transitional shelter which provides homeless and displaced individuals the opportunity for successful transition to independence. MCREST started out as a one day “day camp” for the homeless in 1988. With the success of that endeavor, it grew into overnight shelters with twelve churches participating. MCREST has since grown from those twelve churches into over seventy churches now participating.

“Whatever you did for these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40

St. Isidore has supported MCREST over the years serving as a host for many of those years. At the conclusion of hosting we continued to offer financial support to the organization. With new leadership and renewed energy, we believe the Holy Spirit is calling us to a fresh start with this opportunity.

Sunday, August 20– Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sign Up to Volunteer

Our MCREST leaders are Mr. David Treadwell and Mr. Robert Thursam. We look forward to working with them and assisting them in any way we can.

We’ve also made it easy to donate directly to MCREST through Pushpay here:

Donate to MCREST

For more on MCREST: