Power in Prayer

Power in Prayer: August 14, 2022


A continuation of the story after the first and second visit. The third visit of the Angel to the Fatima children was most extraordinary. The Angel appeared with a chalice in his hands over which the Sacred Host was suspended in the air. He knelt down with children, again instructing them to say three times:

“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for all the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg for the conversion of poor sinners.”

The Angel then gave Communion to the children urging them to make reparation to God for the sins of men. He then prostrated himself before the Blessed Sacrament and repeated the prayer three times with the young shepherds. Pray, pray, very much! said the Angel during his the second visit. He was speaking not only to Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, but to us as well.

Suggested Prayer and Activity: Pray the above prayer three times.