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Power in Prayer: August 25, 2024

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” (James 1:19)

Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, help me be an attentive listener to others and to THINK before I speak.

T Is it True?
H Is it Helpful?
I Is it Inspiring?
N Is it Necessary?
K Is it Kind?

Suggested Activity: Develop good listening skills. (See
DID YOU KNOW? article below.)

Did You Know? Become a Better Listener

“Most people don’t have one person they feel listens to them deeply, and everybody loves a good listener. Here are 12 ways to become a
better listener:

  1. Find the right setting for the conversation.
  2. Face the speaker and maintain regular eye contact.
  3. Let go of your agenda.
  4. Don’t interrupt.
  5. Listen without judging.
  6. Don’t try to guess what the other person is going to say.
  7. Resist the temptation to reach a conclusion before the person is finished.
  8. Don’t start planning what to say next while the other person is still speaking.
  9. Don’t impose your opinions.
  10. Listen to the whole person by being aware of non-verbal clues.
  11. Stay focused.
  12. Ask questions.”
    (Matthew Kelly – The Three Ordinary Voices of God)