During recent times of COVID restrictions, we discontinued the practice of passing baskets during Offertory time.
Now that restrictions are being lifted, our Ushers and Worship Committee members have agreed not to resume passing the baskets for various reasons. Many people now give electronically, others still prefer to send envelopes in the mail, some choose to give once a year at Christmas and at times, “dropping something in the basket” is not always possible for some. We encourage the giving of Offertory or Preparation of the Gifts and Table is a time during Mass when we are preparing to share in the Eucharistic banquet. We offer the gifts of ourselves, our time, talent and treasure as well as the bread and wine, all flowing into our celebration of Communion together. Although we are no longer passing baskets for monetary collection at this time, the electronic giving instructions will be posted on the screen as a means for new parishioners and guests to give of their financial assistance to our parish and all the various ministries we serve at St. Isidore.
In addition to the gifts of bread and wine, one basket will be brought up in procession representing not only our monetary donations to the church and its mission, but also our lives and love offered together in community as members of the Body of Christ.
During the time when the gifts are being brought to the altar, we offer our own desires, joys, sorrows, needs, prayers and our very lives up to our Lord Jesus at the Table of Sacrifice. As Jesus gave his very self for our lives, we too offer our lives to our Lord.
Eucharist is the source and summit of all we do as Catholic Christians.
And we give of ourselves in our very presence together at Mass. We offer our joys, our sorrows, our weaknesses and successes as well as our worship and prayers.
The time of Preparation of the Gifts and Table is an opportunity to offer ourselves, in so many ways as members of the family of God.