Do you have loved ones who are no longer in a relationship with God or who have drifted away from the Catholic faith? For each person that has left, there is a unique experience and reason. But know this: “The Church never regards her children as having left the family, no matter what they do or how distant they drift, even if they themselves no longer regard themselves as belonging.” (RETURN, Brandon Vogt)
To help you navigate through discussions and respond to inquiries from your loved ones, St. Isidore Church is offering an informational evening of guest speakers and interactive workshops.
The session begins at 6:30 PM
Session 1: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RCIA offers a bridge back for those who are struggling with getting started or are curious about the Catholic faith. This session will explain what RCIA is, the involvement and becoming part of the Catholic Community. Presented by John Kovacik, RCIA Coordinator.
Session 2: St. Paul Street Evangelization
Participants will gain the courage they need to become enthusiastic and joyful evangelists as they overcome any fear they have of sharing our faith through a series of presentations, small work groups, role playing, and prayer ministry.
Where: St. Isidore Church – Social Hall
Cost: Free will donation appreciated
Registration: Contact the parish office at (586) 286-1700
Inquiries can be directed to Beth Beebe at: or (586) 286-1700