
St. Therese of Lisieux Mother’s Day “Tea for Thee” Event

I don’t know if you have noticed the tulips peeking out of the ground, or the birds beginning to chirp in the morning, but spring is around the corner and with that comes Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is such a wonderful day to express gratitude to the amazing women who brought us into the world and nurtured us with unconditional love. But, it is also a wonderful way to recognize ALL of the women in our lives we have relationships with who have supported, mentored, or shared a special friendship or bond with us over the years.

This year, St. Therese of Lisieux’s Health Ministry will host our second Mother’s Day Tea, “Tea for Thee, on May 6, 2024, Tuesday from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM in honor of ALL of the women in our lives. What better way than to share a cup of tea (and food, too!) with other women and cherish the warmth and connection that brings and recognizes the significant role mothers, and other women, play in our lives. Our theme for this year’s event will be the “Body, Mind, and Spirit Connection” and will focus on the importance of self-care for our well-being as a woman. Our key note speaker will be our own St. Therese Health Ministry member, Theresa Emch NP, RN who will talk about the importance of us taking care of ourselves, like we take care of others. Think about the many women who take care of their spouses or partners, parents, children, or other people in their lives in addition to themselves? We are also blessed to have Health Ministry members who will share additional tips on how to stay healthy.

We will also be asking our guests to share some wonderful memories about their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, friends, or ANY of the special women in their lives over the years. Not only will we be sharing “tea”, we will be sharing “stories” of why these women were so special. So, come prepared with a great story! All women are welcome at our Women’s Celebration Tea!

We hope you are able to join us for this memorable event. Seating will be limited to 150 this year. Tickets are $20 and will available at the Parish Office staring April 14, 2024, Tuesday. There will also be a seating chart available for you to indicate the table/people you would like to sit with.

If you are a vegetarian, please indicate so when reserving your seat. If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn Cito at 586-254-4433 #320 or via email at Usual work days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, but you can always leave a message.

God Bless and we hope to see you there!