
St. Vincent de Paul Update 5/22/20

The coronavirus has certainly changed almost everything for us.  It has caused pain, hardship, and suffering but has also given us courage, holiness, grace and love. A letter was found in a women’s concentration camp during WWII where 50,000 women were killed.  It was a letter of forgiveness but also a letter of hope.  After asking our Lord to forgive the people that caused their suffering and death they also asked “Remember the fruits we brought thanks to this suffering – our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of this.”” (From Our Daily Bread)  Let us pray that the fruits that are being born out of the coronavirus continue to grow as we return to our everyday routines.

We continue to pray for our priests, office staff, and parishioners.  We are so grateful for all of your support.  Please continue to pray for us and if you can support us and the church during this time of adversity we would greatly appreciate it.  If you are able to purchase items for our pantry we need:

  • Progresso Soup
  • Boxed Mashed Potatoes
  • Any Helper (Hamburger, Tuna, Chicken)
  • Cereal
  • Brownies
  • Cookies
  • Syrup
  • Dish Soap
  • Canned Vegetables (Green Beans, Peas, Carrots)
  • Canned Fruit (Pineapple, Peaches, Pears)
  • Canned Chicken
  • Pork & Beans

God Bless,
St. Isidore St. Vincent de Paul SocietyÂ