Walking by faith, let us do good works. In these let there be a free love of God for His own sake and an active love for our neighbor. For there is nothing we can do for God. But because we have something we can do for our neighbor, we shall by our good office to the needy gain the favor of Him Who is the source of all abundance. Let us then do what we can for others; let us freely bestow upon the needy out of our abundance.
St. Augustine
Patience smooths away lots of difficulties.
– St. John Bosco
We want to thank everyone again for all of the support we received in 2020. Although the pandemic brought many changes to the SVdP Pantry, we had a very successful year. We also want to thank one of our parishioners that gave us homemade blankets for our Christmas Distribution families. As you shop in stores or on-line this week please keep our pantry list in mind. Our Pantry needs are:
We would like to thank you again for supporting our work in helping our neighbors in need this past year. As you shop in stores or on-line this week please keep our pantry list in mind. Our Pantry needs are:
- Laundry Soap
- Helpers – Hamburger, Tuna, Chicken
- Canned Fruit – Pineapple, Pears, Fruit Cocktail
- Jelly
- Canned Carrots
- Shampoo
- Dish Soap
God Bless,
St. Isidore St. Vincent de Paul Society