Since we are fundamentally dependent on God and in His debt for our creation and redemption, our love is always owed to Him, a duty, a response to His love. But we can love our neighbor in the same way that He loves us, gratuitously – not because of anything the neighbor has done for us or because of anything that we owe him, but simply because love has been freely given to us. We thereby greatly please the Father.”
– Ralph Martin
Our Easter Food Distribution this past week was a great success due to your generosity! We helped 40 families in our area which included 72 adults and 103 children. We would like to thank the following people and groups who helped us make this one of the largest food distributions ever:
- Fr. Ron and the parish staff whose support is invaluable to our work.
- Those that gave by the bag, trunk, and truckful. Your love of neighbor has certainly shown itself by your amazing generosity!
- The Faith Formation Families who donated items. These have made such a difference to how many items we were able to give to our families.
- Those that have donated money and gift cards. Our families appreciate being able to purchase dinner meat and fresh produce for their Easter celebration.
- Those that have prayed for our ministry. We rely on your prayers to sustain us.
Please keep our pantry list in mind as you shop in stores or online this week. Our Pantry needs are:
- Hand Pump Soap
- Shampoo
- Brownies