
St. Vincent de Paul Update for 4/27/20

We wanted to share a portion of a letter written last week by Ralph Middlecamp, SVdP National Leader, from our weekly newsletter about one of our founders, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, whose birthday was April 23, 1813.  

“This week we celebrate Blessed Frederic Ozanam’s birthday. I often look to him as a model for living my life as a lay Catholic and a Vincentian. In this time of social isolation, I think Frederic would have been miserable. Even though he loved reading and was an avid letter writer, he needed to be with people.”

“This was very evident around his 25th birthday when he was back home in Lyon, after he had graduated from the university. In a long letter to his friend, Francois Lallier, another of our founders, Frederic wrote, “At the moment I am suffering a malady which will appear strange in a town where I have so many relatives and friends; I mean isolation. I cannot speak freely to my mother, … my brother, for he is nearly always away. … My friends, no longer need to leave their fireside, where they dwell content. … I see happy groups drawn by the return of spring filling the pavements, while I sit alone, knowing no more disagreeable company than myself, and I closet myself with a magazine or a book. I appreciate now by its privation the whole value of the spoken word. … I need conversation.” (To Francois Lallier April 9, 1838)”

“Frederic’s desire to be surrounded by people is one of his most notable characteristics. At a young age, he attracted a group of student friends who would come to form the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to serve the poor. His spiritual advisor, Fr. Noirot, recognized this characteristic in his young friend and discouraged him from becoming a celibate priest. When Frederic was not with people, he wrote letters, usually anticipating when he would next be with the recipient.”

“Fortunately, you and I can pick up the phone, check Facebook or Instagram, or log into an internet meeting. …The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is built on three essential elements – Service, Spirituality and Friendship. Let’s honor our founder by strengthening our bonds of friendship in the weeks ahead through phone calls, emails, or maybe even a real letter or card that you put in an envelope and send with a stamp.”

We continue to pray for our priests, office staff, and parishioners.  We are so grateful for all of your support.  Please continue to pray for us and if you can support us and the church during this time of isolation we would greatly appreciate it.  If you are able to purchase items for our pantry we need:

  • Pump Hand Soap
  • Rice and Pasta Sides
  • Canned Ravioli
  • Canned Chili
  • Manwich
  • Crackers – Saltine or Club

God Bless,

St. Isidore St. Vincent de Paul Society