However great our efforts, we cannot change ourselves. Only God can get to the bottom of our defects, and our limitations in the field of love; only he has sufficient masterly over our hearts for that. If we realize that, we will save ourselves a great deal of discouragement and fruitless struggle. We do not have to become saints by our own power; we have to learn how to let God make us into saints.
Fr. Jacques Philippe
Helping others can be very rewarding and sometimes frustrating. Our St. Isidore SVdP Conference tries to uplift our neighbors, if we can, from their current problems. When we do, there is much joy with them and with us. If you are interested in joining the St. Isidore St. Vincent de Paul team, please call the office and leave your name and number and a member of our team will get back with you to let you know how we help others in need.
Please keep our pantry list in mind as you shop in stores or online with week.
- Deodorant – Women’s
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
- Boxed Potatoes – Scalloped, AuGratin
- Oatmeal
- Chili
- Canned Chicken
- Brownie Mix
- Cereal
- Spaghetti Noodles
- Mashed Potatoes – Pouches
- Pancake Mix & Syrup
- $25 Meijer or Kroger Cards
Thank you to Coney Grille for supplying the SVdP MCREST dinner. If you’re looking for work, they’re hiring waitresses and staff.
God Bless,
St. Isidore St. Vincent de Paul Society